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How Does iConquer Work?

We keep it very straight forward.


We make your mission, our mission. provides participant hikers (your team) with an online 8 -12 week safety training, physical preparation-training schedule, hiking skills and development program to prepare them for and active walking and hiking adventure. Each of our destination comes with its own training program. They include instructions on equipment and gear, nutrition, hydration, and hiking in the local environment.


In return for this programming, each participant raises money (on a local level) in support of your organization’s mission. After successfully completing their training, preparedness and fundraising program, hikers are rewarded with a multiday and night guided adventure at one of the most exotic and exciting destinations in the world.  


We provide your staff with the information they can use to recruit participants onto your team. We'll assist with participant retention through our online training program and guide  and offer informational webinars about the entire adventure to keep people excited, working and raising funds toward your mission. Our front end support of your staff makes them expert leaders of the program and our back end support handles the logistics so you can focus on recruiting and supporting your fundraisers. We handle every logistic from the moment your team arrives at the destination to the moment they leave. 100% of all funds go directly to your organization.


The Front End:


  • Provides you with the information you need to conduct local and online promotional informational meetings to recruit team members. 

  • Provides marketing experience, verbiage and images to help you create customized campaign videos, webinars, ads and brochures.

  • Operate and support an interactive Internet presence, social media and e-mail newsletter for your participants and staff.

  • Provides you with the support of a dedicated iConquer staff member that you can directly communicate to get any help you need quickly and efficiently.  


The Back End:


  • Pre-adventure: Provides the logistics for your team prior to visiting the destination. ach hiker participant is provided with comprehensive information specifically about the hikes we will utilize at the beginning of the program so that they can prepare accordingly. We then survey each hiker to help evaluate their preparedness and then help them select the trail best suited to their goals, abilities and interests.


  • On-site: Upon arrival, we'll transport each member from the airport to our host hotel. We provide hosted luxury transportation throughout their stay. Hotel/Lodge accommodations, walks, hikes, park entry and most meals are included. At the Canyon, we help divide your team into small groups of 6-8 of like-minded hikers. Each small group is lead by an experienced Walking Connection Grand Canyon guide who is a Wilderness First Responder, CPR and First Aid certified.


  • Safety, Risk Management and Emergency Response:  iConquer conducts all programs under its its internal system of guide certifications, trail reseach and onsite inspection, careful planning and flawless execution.  We often operate under special use and commercial permits granted by local parks and governments. iConquer has completed a comprehensive Risk Management and Emergency Medical Response system in conjunction with each destination. We have an impeccable safety record that has taken thousands of people into, out of and around Grand Canyon and our other fantastic destinations without a serious mishap or injury. We carry a $1,000,000 liability insurance policy which can name your organization as an additional insured. 



  • Designate a team leader to set up and operate the campaign within your organization.

  • Recruit fundraisers and support their efforts.



  • Does everything else.


Here are some examples from actual Conquer The Canyon participant organizations:


Example Recruiting Page

Example of Co-Branding Support on our Site

Example Enrollement Web Page for Sign Up's

(The links above are samples from an actual participating organization.)


Are there more details?



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