iConquer.Co is an awareness creating and fundraising campaign created specifically for non-profit organizations. It is ONLY available to people who actively participate in a fundraising program for a bona fide U.S. or Canadian non-profit. It is NOT open to the general public.
iConquer.Co is a team adventure where participants agree to raise funds for your organization (wherever they live) in exchange for a comprehensive physical training program that culminates with an amazing expense paid guided hiking adventure to some of the world's most iconic landmarks and popular bucket list destinations - The Grand Canyon, Mount Kilimanjaro, Inca Trail to Machu Picchu, Iceland just to name a few!
iConquer.Co provides curated and challenging experiences in environments and on trails that are safe, where risk is managed and every participant gets to define and self-determine what their level of aventure is to them. With iConquer, there is something for everyone.
Can iConquer work for your organization?
YES! Most likely, it can, but there is only one way to know for sure. 10 minutes on the phone with one of our founders. You call us at your convenience: 800-295-WALK. Or, complete this inquiry form. We'll email you more information.
Over 34 million people hiked in the U.S. in 2013* and hiking is growing at a rate of 10%+ a year.
*Credit American Hiking Society : Pathways To Prosperity