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...And we look forward to sharing them with you. But we know your time is valuable and we don't want to waste a

second of it. So here are a few more bullet point FAQ's that may help you decide to contact us to discuss putting

iConquer to work for you!


Why would someone sign up for iConquer?


Because they can do something good for themselves like getting in shape, participating on a TEAM of other

like-minded people and at the same time, earn a reward that is the trip of a lifetime to a fantastic bucket list

destination. While they are supporting your team, they are telling your story to everyone they know.


Ultimately, they sign up for the same reasons they participate in a golf tourney, casino night, 5k fun walk

or gala ball - YOU and YOUR MISSION.


What are the staffing requirements for me?


One staff member or volunteer as your campaign leader and hike team leader. We can help train this person to coordinate and lead your team, coordinate between your organization and us and to manage and account for the fundraising.


When does my organization start receiving funds?

From the moment you sign up team members.


Is iConquer scalable?

Absolutel! iConquer adventures are fully scalable from 6 to 120 participants at Grand Canyon. We also offer a variety of other bucket list destinations around the world to keep bringing your team members back, year after year.


When does my iConquer adventure start?

Fundraising starts the minute your team is signed up. Training for most adventures begins 8-10 weeks prior to the hike date.


How do I get all the details?

Complete and submit the short interest form. We'll contact you additional information. If you would like to talk to someone right away, call us at 800-295-WALK (9255) or e-mail Gene Taylor. A member of our staff will contact via your preferred method. Their is no obligation, just information.


100% of the funds raised goes directly to your organization. Once your team has fully met their fundraising goal, they are rewarded with an AWESOME multinight adventure to a dream destination. Your organization benefits by the awareness created and funds raised.


What kind of results have you achieved?

Yes, There Are More Details?

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